Resilience & Evolution

At a time when mankind is fighting a global pandemic, the entities that promote the sciences are showing their true resilience and experience to overcome difficulties and continue to fulfill their role.

Either by adapting their work methods, with an emphasis on remote work through the conversion of face-to-face meetings into the digital realm with tools such as Skype / Zoom / Webex; extending dates for the submission of papers in the most distant congresses and postponing closer congresses (June/May/April). This adaptation shows how important technology is in a business context and the benefits it brings to almost all economic activities.

We are confident that in three months we will emerge stronger and richer from this test to our civilization. Either through different working techniques, more adapted to our day-to-day realities, or through or though a greater sense of citizenship and our societal values – in favor of the common good.

“May the force be with you!”